"I know the Word is true. When I obey it, marvelous things happen! When I began to come to the Lord with my burdens and self-created wreckage, I not only began to feel better, but I also felt free. Free from what?
Matthew 11:28-29
Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
I came across this passage after reading the Daily Bread (3/2/25). It's amazing how it ties into the conversation we had in church the same morning. What stood out to me was the part about “casting all our cares or burdens upon Him” (Philippians 4:6) and the promise that He will give us rest.
Let us be very clear: mostly, my burdens take the form of my own unconfessed sinand the repercussions that follow them (such as not being there for my son like I should be, not being the man or person I should be because of fleshy addictions, wasting precious time just "f-ing around" in the streets, etc.).
I know the Word is true. When I obey it, marvelous things happen! When I began to come to the Lord with my burdens and self-created wreckage, I not only began to feel better, but I also felt free. Free from what?
Self! Self-will only creates guilt. Self is the monster that wants to separate us from the liberating and healing love of Jesus. I must be intentional when it comes to coming to the altar, the throne of grace! When I don't do that, I'm unintentionally working on some fresh new disaster.