Mercy Community Church
Mercy Community Church is a grassroots community of worship and action—a joyful gathering of folks who really believe Jesus wants the hungry fed, strangers welcomed, and every child of God housed. We are ecumenical, open and affirming, and working together toward a more peaceful and just world for us all.
Whether you are in housing or not, whether you live in our neighborhood or come from far away, whether you love the church or have ever felt left out, we want to welcome you to come see us anytime as we work to build one another up in beloved community. We are open multiple days of the week for prayer, worship, study, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and the sharing of food, clothing, and hospitality.
Come see us sometime—our doors are open and you are welcome here!
Mailing Address
PO Box 8676
Atlanta, GA 31106
Worship Space
Fellowship Hall of St. John’s Lutheran Church
1410 Ponce De Leon Ave NE
Atlanta, GA
At Mercy, we value:
We are a church community–a group of human beings that gathers, fellowships, and cares about one another. Important though they are, we are not a service organization or a day shelter, but a group of human beings invested in building community and mutual relationships with one another. We believe that essential to being a human is having healthy, life-giving community.
Whether its community led music, taking time for reflection and prayer, or our discussion-based study of scripture, as a community of Jesus Christ we believe its important to ground ourselves in worship. Whether its a Sunday service, evening Bible Study, or our daily hour of prayer our worship is inclusive, lively, and community led.
We believe that hospitality is an essential Christian practice and we strive to create it for one another in a variety of ways. From hot breakfasts and coffee, shared lunches, and pastoral care, to a community clothing closet, winter shelter, and connections to various resources, we strive to create home and hospitality for one another.